Talk Ideas
Ideas for new talks are recorded through Github issues .
Submitting an Idea
We encourage everyone to submit things that they think would be cool/helpful to talk about regardless of how easy or hard the topic is. This group is for all levels of FP proficiency and with a group of this size you can be guaranteed that someone else will find your topic of value.
Submitting a talk idea will not automatically force you into presenting it yourself, but it is a highly encouraged and proven way to learn things. :)
If you have an idea or see an existing idea that you are interested in but aren't sure whether you're up for presenting, please let one of the execs know and we can help you figure that out with you. We provide lots of mentoring and practice runs for people that need it so you will be in good hands.
Submit Idea (Requires GitHub account)The above link requires a GitHub account. If you don't have one of those, please just email an exec and we will lodge the idea for you. :)
Idea States
Talk ideas fall into one or more of the following states represented by issue tags:
- Needs Speaker If you are interested in this topic then it is a wonderful motivation to learn about it and present it! :)
- Needs Scheduling This has not been pencilled in for a specific meetup.
- Popular Topic This topic has been regularly requested and really should be talked about.
- Scheduled This topic has been been pencilled in for a meetup.
Voting for an Idea
To vote for an idea, comment on the issue with a :+1:
If an idea gets lots of votes then the exec will apply the Popular Topic to the issue and it'll get prioritised in our planning.